Privacy Policy

Vivideo , while respecting the privacy of its users, asks users to register with their mobile number to purchase, register comment, or use certain features of the platform. Vivideo may also use some information to communicate with customers and market research or it may send SMS to members of the site to inform them of events and news, special services, courses, and promotions.

We may gather and use anonymous user behaviour and diagnostics data in order to improve our services and show the users content based on their preferences. We may also use personalized advertisements as well as Google Signals and other info, but we do so solely for the improvement of our services and in accordance with local laws and regulations. We use fair means to protect the users’ data from theft and unlawful change.

Vivideo may edit reviews and comments sent by users in accordance with the rules of the website. Also, if the user's comment or message is subject to instances of illegal content, Vivideo can use the recorded information to pursue legal action. Vivideo does not transfer the user's personal information to any other person or organization unless it's required by law to provide it to the competent authorities.

Vivideo , like other websites, uses IP collection and cookies, but the protocol, server, and security layers of Vivideo and data management practices protect users' information and prevent unauthorized access. Vivideo does its best to protect and maintain the information and privacy of its users and hopes to provide a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for all users. Users are able to share their problems and suggestions by emailing [email protected]